First of all, sorry folks for the lag in postings lately. Well, for my next project, I have decided to take on French macarons. They are the pastel sandwich cookies, not the coconut macaroons you usually see around. I've been wanting to make these for years, but thought I should taste them first. Last summer, I went to the Cheese Festival with some friends and the French bakery, Le Panier, by Pike Place Market had them. So I was finally able to try them. They were crunchy on the outside, chewy on the inside and very sweet. I am not superficial, but the attractiveness of this cookie outweighs the inner tastiness for me. Therefore even if this cookie is too sweet for some, they still can be enjoyed. I would definitely not hesitate to bring them to formal events.
So...back to the baking...
When I first attempted these delightful delicacies, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I had two recipes to choose from. Both looked harmless. Easy enough to follow at least. Well, as you can tell from my pictures, my macarons did not turn out...well, well. Technically they can't even be called macarons because they have no "foot". (The little ruffled looking border on the bottom edge of the cookies.) Isn't that cute? :D
What went wrong? A million things! Like I said, I had no idea how tricky these cookies are. I even found one website that called them the "Diva" of cookies. Great! Alright! One thing I have to say though, my epic failure was a good thing. Because now I am as determined as ever to get these finicky little frivolities right! Phew! (Try saying that ten times fast.) But seriously, I have been researching macaroons and will hopefully have a much better result in my next post. Though there may be several parts to this series, (depending on how difficult they end up being.) I hope to try again soon, as soon as I get my food processor back. Till then, I will keep on researching and let the failures of fellow bakers keep me company.
Signing off,
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