Pate a choux is the dough used for cream puffs. When it is baked, steam rises and creates hollow spaces inside. (Do not open the oven while baking!) This recipe is more complicated, but doable. Special equipment needed are various sizes of piping tips with their bags and couplers. As a substitute, you can use a ziploc bag and cut off one corner to the desired size. But I wouldn't use that method to pipe the dough since its pretty thick. I would also recommend keeping your kitchen well ventilated while baking these. Use a fan or open your windows. The steam from the dough filled my apartment and made me a little disoriented.
Next time I will pipe the dough out more carefully to get a more uniform shape. (The first batch didn't turn out well.) And also bake the cream puffs a little longer. They came out soft, which can be desirable. But makes them less sturdy for the filling, (A few exploded).
Fillings: You can use whatever you like to fill your puffs. Crab salad, whipped cream, chocolate pudding, etc. If you want to fill your puff with something savory however, make sure you use the savory recipe version for the dough. A finishing touch, chocolate piped or drizzled in thin lines. Very yummy!